Music Producer


Quick info:

Age 43
Birthday August 191980
Birth Sign Leo
City Tokyo
Country Japan
Profession Music Producer

STY is a famous Music Producer, born on August 19, 1980 in Japan. As of December 2022, STY’s net worth is $5 Million. He’s produced songs for notable artists such as Crystal Kay, Mamoru Miyano, and Vanness Wu.

Father Not Available
Mother Not Available
Siblings Not Available
Spouse Not Known
Children(s) Not Available

STY Biography

Japanese music producer who became known as one-third of the trio known as ASY. He’s best known for co-writing and producing SNSD’s #1 Oricon album, Girls Generation. .

He was born and raised in Tokyo, Japan.

Ethnicity, religion & political views

Many peoples want to know what is STY ethnicity, nationality, Ancestry & Race? Let’s check it out! As per public resource, IMDb & Wikipedia, STY’s ethnicity is Not Known. We will update STY’s religion & political views in this article. Please check the article again after few days.

STY Net Worth

STY is one of the richest Music Producer & listed on most popular Music Producer. According to our analysis, Wikipedia, Forbes & Business Insider, STY‘s net worth $5 Million.

Net Worth $5 Million
Salary Under Review
Source of Income Music Producer
Cars Not Available
House Living in own house.

He formed ASY with DJ’s Aki and Yuuki in 2012.

Who is STY dating?

According to our records, STY is possibily single & has not been previously engaged. As of May 2022, STY’s is not dating anyone.

Relationships Record: We have no records of past relationships for STY. You may help us to build the dating records for STY!

STY Height

STY’s height Not available right now. STY weight Not Known & body measurements will update soon.
Height Unknown
Weight Not Known
Body Measurements Under Review
Eye Color Not Available
Hair Color Not Available
Feet/Shoe Size Not Available

Facts & Trivia

STY Ranked on the list of most popular Music Producer. Also ranked in the elit list of famous celebrity born in Japan. STY celebrates birthday on August 19 of every year.

How do you get away a stye?

Apply a Warm Compress The quickest, safest, and most effective way to get rid of a stye at home is to apply some sort of warm compress. All you have to do is heat up filtered water, soak a clean cloth in the water, and then put it over your affected eye with your eye closed.

Can you pop a stye?

While your stye might look like a pimple, it’s far from it. You should never pop a stye because it might cause the pus to retract further into the infected area, promoting the spread of bacteria.

Is styes caused by stress?

Styes can appear without any reason, but sometimes they are caused by eye make-up, which can block the skin. They can also be caused by stress or hormonal changes. People with rosacea or inflammatory diseases of the eyelid, such as blepharitis ormeibomitis, seem to get more styes than other people.

What is the best medicine for stye?

The most commonly prescribed topical antibiotic for stye is erythromycin. Oral antibiotics are more effective, usually amoxicillin, cephalosporin, tetracycline, doxycycline, or erythromycin. The stye should clear in about two days, but the antibiotic should be taken for the full term prescribed, usually seven days.

How long will a stye last?

In most cases you won’t need treatment for a stye. It’ll get smaller and go away on its own in two to five days. If you need treatment, antibiotics will normally clear up a stye in three days to a week.

You may read full biography about STY from Wikipedia.
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